Glasgow and West of Scotland Catholic Literary Association


There is little information currently known about this club. The details that we have come from the Glasgow Post Office directory, which lists the society’s patron, Office Bearers, object and subscription fee:

‘[…] Patron, His Grace Archbishop Eyre, LL.D. Office-bearers for 1899-1900 — President, M. J. Connell, B.A., LL.B.; vice-president, Mr. James W. Turnbull; treasurer, Mr. M.A. Boyle, secretaries, Messrs. E. Henry, 3 Roslea Drive, Dennistoun, and Arthur Meehan, St. Mungo’s Academy, Townhead, Glasgow. The Association is established for the purpose of promoting a series of lectures annually, and thereby furthering a knowledge of Catholic and general literature; for the intellectual advancement of its members; and for the better cultivation socialof [sic] intercourse amongst Catholics. The course of lectures lasts from October until April each year, meeting weekly. During the summer occasional visits are made to localities of archaeological and historical interest. The Annual Subscription is 2s. 6d.’

(‘Glasgow and West of Scotland Catholic Literary Association’, ‘Artistic, Literary, and Scientific Institutions’, Post Office Glasgow Directory for 1899-1900… (Glasgow: William Mackenzie, 1899), p. 174)

Date of Existence


Source of Information

‘Glasgow and West of Scotland Catholic Literary Association’, ‘Artistic, Literary, and Scientific Institutions’, Post Office Glasgow Directory for 1899-1900… (Glasgow: William Mackenzie, 1899), p. 174


Mitchell Library

National Library of Scotland (NLS)

Reference Number

Additional Notes

The Glasgow Post Office directories are available at the Mitchell Library and the National Library of Scotland. Digitised copies are available through the NLS website: