There is little currently known about this society. The only information we have comes from the Glasgow Post Office Directory for 1885 to 1886, which offers the following details on what appears to be a high-status club with a remarkably low subscription rate:
‘[…] Patrons, His Grace the Duke of Argyll, K.G., K.T., His Grace the Duke of Hamilton, K.T., His Grace the Duke of Montrose, K.T., His Grace the Duke of Portland, the Most Hon. the Marquis of Lothian, K.T., the Most Hon. the Marquis of Ailsa, the Right Hon. the Earl of Stair, K.T., the Right. Hon. the Earl of Glasgow; president, Sir Henry Valentine Goold, Bart.; vice-president, Andrew Blair, F.E.I.S.; treasurer, Hector Winchester; members of council, D. Donaldson, F.E.I.S., J. W. M’Call, Rev. David Walker, M.A., Ph.D., A..M. Wright, W. B. Mathewson, and R. M. Hardie; secretary, Alf. J. Weyman, F.R.G.S., F.R.HS, Keppoch House, Possilpark.
For the advancement of science, literature, and art, including music and the fine arts, by periodical meetings for lectures, &c.; for the reading of original and interesting papers; for the publication of important transactions; for the promotion of new works, discoveries, and inventions; and for the diffusion generally of useful knowledge. Annual subscription £1 1s’ .
(‘Glasgow Society of Science, Letters, and Art’, ‘Educational Institutions’, Post Office Glasgow Directory for 1885-1886… (Glasgow: William Mackenzie, 1885), p. 116)
Date of Existence
Source of Information
‘Glasgow Society of Science, Letters, and Art’, ‘Educational Institutions’, Post Office Glasgow Directory for 1885-1886… (Glasgow: William Mackenzie, 1885), p. 116
Mitchell Library
National Library of Scotland
Reference Number
Additional Notes
The Glasgow Post Office directories are available at the Mitchell Library and the National Library of Scotland. Digitised copies are available through the NLS website: https://www.nls.uk/family-history/directories/post-office/index.cfm?place=Glasgow