The Glasgow Post Office directory for 1906-1907 provides a list of this society’s objects, its membership requirements, along with its subscription fees:
‘[…] The objects of the Society are: — The cultivation of the Gaelic Language; the cultivation and development of Celtic Philology, Literature, and Music; the elucidation of Celtic antiquities; and the fostering of a Celtic spirit among the Highlanders of Glasgow. Persons of Celtic extraction, or such as take an interest in its objects, are eligible to become members. The Subscriptions of Members to the Funds of the Society are: — Life Members, one payment of £1 1s.; Honorary Members, annually, Ladies 3s., Gentlemen 7s. 6d; Ordinary Members, annually — Ladies 1s., Gentlemen 2s. The Society meets in the Religious Institution Rooms, Buchanan Street, on the last Tuesday of each Month, from October to April.’
(‘Gaelic Society of Glasgow’, ‘Educational Institutions’, Post Office Glasgow Directory for 1906-1907… (Glasgow: Aird & Coghill, 1906), p. 171)
At meetings, papers were read on various subjects, but all of these were linked to Gaelic, Celtic or Highland life and culture, which included literature that was often read aloud. For example, at the meeting held on 31 January 1888, one or two excepts from “Caraid nan Gael” (Norman Macleod (Caraid nan Gaidheal?)) were read.
Date of Existence
26 October 1887-1974?
Source of Information
1. Gaelic Society of Glasgow, Cash Book, 1888-1935 (1 vol.); Minute Books, 1887-1909, 1924-48, 1948-74 (3 vols.) (MLSC, 891237);
2. Gaelic Society of Glasgow, Transactions, 1887-1894; 1956/7 (MLSC, Mitchell (GC) 941.15006041443 GAE 155056);
3. Gaelic Society of Glasgow, Jubilee brochure, 1887-1937 (1937) (MLSC, Mitchell (GC) 367 767302);
4. Maclean, Magnus, Skye bards: paper read before the Gaelic Society of Glasgow (1892) (MLSC, Mitchell (GC) 200826);
5. ‘Gaelic Society of Glasgow’, ‘Educational Institutions’, Post Office Glasgow Directory for 1906-1907… (Glasgow: Aird & Coghill, 1906), p. 171;
6. Gaelic Society of Glasgow, Centenary brochure, [1987](MLSC, Mitchell (GC) 941.15006041443 GAE)
Mitchell Library Special Collections (MLSC)
Reference Number
(See Source of Information)
Additional Notes