Hope Street Free Gaelic Church Literary Society


This society was made up of young men from the congregation of the Hope Street Free Gaelic Church. (For more information on this church, see ‘Glasgow — Hope Street‘ on the Ecclegen website, and ‘Glasgow, 58 Waterloo Street, Gaelic Free Church‘ on ScotlandsPlaces website.)

Meetings were held every Tuesday evening, but later became fortnightly. Essays read include: ‘Literary Pursuits’; ‘Man, A Study’; ‘Be Men of the Times’; ‘The importance of our opinions as a guide of Life’; Cromwell’; ‘Characterists [sic] of Highlanders’; and ‘Self-culture’ to name a few. Meetings were of the order of addresses, debates, essays and business meetings.

There were 28 members on the Secretary’s Roll for the first session (1889-1890), but usually about half or even less attended each meeting. Some of these meetings were open to ladies. ‘[S]trangers & friends’ were also allowed to attend, although their numbers were not recorded. Among the papers is a document with a list of the office-bearers for 1891-1892, and on the inside is the ‘Syllabus, 1891-92′. On the back of the Syllabus are the Constitution and Rules, which gives the society’s object as the members’ moral and intellectual improvement.

Date of Existence


Source of Information

Records of Hope Street Gaelic Free Church, Glasgow, Bundle of papers relating to Hope Street Free Church Literary Society, 1889-92


Glasgow City Archives

Reference Number


Additional Notes